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Top 12 Essential Winter Skin care Tips You Must Follow

important winter skincare tips

Winter skin care tips: To keep your skin glowing in cold and dry winter.

The dry cold weather and dry air during the winter can leave skin dry and itchy. Use these winter skin care tips to keep your skin glowing and well-moisturized. These winter skin care tips will help you to keep your skin glowing and at the same time will avoid itching too.

follow winter skin care tips

But before we get into winter skin care tips, let us find out what are the common signs of dry skin.

Common signs of dry skin

Here are some of the common signs of dry skin.

  1. Scaliness or flakiness
  2. Rough texture
  3. Redness
  4. Raw and irritated skin
  5. Itchiness
  6. Burning sesnsation

Dry skin is known as xerosis in medical terms. Symptoms of dry skin can be sometimes serious and look different based on the area of the body that gets affected.

Important Winter Skin care Tips

Caring for your skin during winter demands a little extra effort as the weather conditions are extreme for our tender barrier. Our skin gets exposed to different elements like cold air, harsh sunlight. Low humidity is common in cold climates which in turn takes away the moisture from the skin every other day. And what about indoors? It is filled with dry heat.

No wonder why our skin gets itchy and flaky. And once our skin starts getting dry, it starts to develop crack and sometimes bleed.

The winter skin care tips mentioned here will help you avoid any kind of uncomfortable feeling and also keep your skin healthy and glowing throughout the winter.

  1. Keep the moisture intact- It is one of the most important winter skin care tips you should keep in mind. The natural oils that our skin produces protects it and keeps it glowing. It is suggested to avoid long showers during winter and make sure you do not wash your body too frequently. And whenever you do, use warm but not hot water. After you take a bath, don’t miss to pat dry and moisturize your wet skin.

2. Use lukewarm water- A list of winter skin care tips is incomplete without mentioning this one. Yes, in winter, all of us tempt to have hot showers. But if you want to avoid dry skin, avoid hot showers. Instead, take shower and wash your face in lukewarm water. Hot showers cause dryness and if you do not moisturize your skin immediately after washing your face or shower, your skin may develop cracks and you may suffer from winter eczema.

Once you have taken a shower in lukewarm water, don’t forget to apply a moisturizer, preferably one that contains ceramides and hyaluronic acid. It helps in keeping the moisture barrier in the skin intact and avoids dryness.

3. Keep your home moisturized- To fight the drying effects of indoor heat, experts suggest using a humidifier. You can either use a tabletop or portable model or one that can be used along with your current heating system. Moisture present in the air will be easily absorbed by your skin.

4. Keep yourself hydrated- During winter, we don’t feel like drinking water. Isn’t it. However, if you want to take care of your skin or avoid itchy and dry skin, then keep yourself hydrated. Be it inside or outside your home, the air is dry.

Due to this, water evaporates from the body easily. Therefore, you must keep your skin hydrated. Or else you can install a humidifier in your home. It keeps the moisture level in your home intact. This in turn will keep your skin happy and thus your skin will glow.

5. Do not skin sunscreen- If you think that the winter sunlight is not harmful as it is cold outside, then you are mistaken. The sunlight reflecting off snow means the harmful ultra-violet rays are hitting your skin badly. To protect your skin from harsh sunlight, it is important to use sunscreen.

6. Use an oil-based moisturizer throughout your skin- It is one of the most essential winter skin care tips that you should not miss at any cost. Your skin will love an oil-based skin moisturizer in the winter. You can even try overnight deep moisturizer treatments which can help dry skin, especially in hands, elbows, lips, knees, and feet. After applying moisturizer, make sure you cover your hands and feet with gloves and socks. This will hold the moisture the whole night.

7. Choose your skin care products carefully- The skin care products that kept your skin healthy and glowing during summers can be bad for your skin during winters. And that is why it is said that you should change your skin care products according to season. One of the most important winter skin care tips is to use mild skin care products.

Always choose cleansers that contain moisturizers. It will not take away the natural moisturizer from your skin. If you have breakouts or acne, use products that contain hyaluronic acid, ceramides, glycerin, and hydration serums. These ingredients do not harm the natural moisture barrier of the skin.

8. Never exfoliate your skin too much- Skin exfoliation helps in getting rid of dead cells. YOu must be extra careful during the winter because during this season your skin is already suffering because of cold and dry weather.

Exfoliation is fine once a week. It helps in boosting skin regeneration and absorbs the product in a better way. Also, skin exfoliation depends on the skin type. If you have dry skin, you must exfoliate lightly. If you have oily or combination skin, then you should go for skin exfoliation once a week.

9. Choose a skin-friendly cleanser- It is a good idea to invest in your present body wash for a moisturizing hydrating cleanser during winters especially if you always prefer ingredients like salicylic or glycolic acid. Make sure to tone and moisturize your skin within 30 seconds of cleaning your face to avoid any kind of dehydration.

best winter skin care tips

10. Do not ignore the hands- When we talk about winter skin care tips, usually we neglect our hands. But this is a huge mistake that most of us commit. The skin of our hands has fewer oil glands than the skin of any other body part. That is the reason why the moisture starts escaping from our hands fast, making them prone to itchiness and cracks. So, make sure you use a moisturizer before stepping out.

11. Take care of your feet- How can we miss our feet when we discuss important winter skin care tips. When it comes to our feet, choose creams that have glycerin and petroleum jelly. Also, you must exfoliate the feet’ skin once in a while so that it absorbs the moisturizer easily.

12. Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses when you go out- This is one of the most significant winter skin care tips, especially for those who live in areas where it snows. The light from the sun and snow can be harmful to the skin, mainly around the eyes. It can cause wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin issues. So, whenever you go out, make sure you wear high-quality UV-protected sunglasses.

13. Have a healthy diet- Eat a lot of seasonal vegetables and fruits. Berries are great sources of antioxidants and vitamins that keep your skin healthy during the winter. Grapes, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, or blueberries- have anything you love. Also, if you feel that you are not doing justice to the hydration part ( not taking enough water), you can manage it by eating lots of vegetables, fruits, and other items like salads, soups, milk, and juices. This way, your body will get all essential nutrients and it will be hydrated too.

14. Regular exercise- Yes, we understand it’s hard to come out of the cozy blanket and get moving during the cold, chilled winter. But, you have to if you love your skin. Exercise will raise your heart rate, which in turn, will more blood to your skin and organs.

During the winter, sweat glands in your body and the blood vessels start constricting slightly. This makes it hard for our skin to keep glowing, and that is where you need help. These winter skin care tips are not hard to follow. You can include them easily in your routine.


Do you know any other winter skin care tips? If so, please share it with us in the comment section. Keep following us for more skin care tips. Till then, take care and keep glowing.