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Are you Using These Spices & Herbs for Skincare?

important herbs for skincare

How will you react if we say that you can use food to take care of your skin? Are you surprised? But, yes, you can. There are different spices and herbs for skincare that guarantees healthy and glowing skin.

Our skin is the largest organ, offering the initial guard against the outside dust and dirt. Cosmetically, many love to keep their skin vibrant and glowing. While there are large numbers of over-the-counter skincare products available at local stores, natural herbs for skincare are also considered. Here, we are discussing some of the useful herbs for skin care and how you must incorporate them into your skincare routine.

What are Herbs?

Herbs are leaves, flowers, and plants used for medicinal and culinary purposes. Most of the herbs for skincare are non-woody when it comes to their look and contain incredible properties that are useful for several reasons. Herbs must be used in small doses, though mainly when used for adding flavor to the food. Here are some of the common categories under which the herbs for skincare fall:

Culinary herbs- Most spices and herbs for skincare are available in the culinary world. In fact, most of the herbs for skincare contain various medicinal properties that help in healthy digestion and gives a natural glow to the skin.

important herbs for skincare

One of the common reasons why people use herbs for skincare is their healing properties. Herbs were used in ancient times to promote gut health. Other culinary herbs also possess various healing properties that are generally found in skincare products.

Medicinal herbs- Even though we have advanced in science, medicinal herbs for skin care and health are still popular. These herbs are used to promote gut health, cure various diseases, and even helps in alleviating pain.

However, medicinal herbs for skin as well as health can be toxic, if used in large doses. While using any spices or herbs, make sure you use them in minimum doses. For instance, there are some weeds that are popular for their medicinal value and offer huge benefits in the wellness and health industry.

Tonic herbs- Tonic herbs are known as herbs that are safe to eat, even in large amounts. While these herbs are used in medicine, their unique properties and low proportion of toxicity make them perfect for maintaining the glow of your skin. Some tonic herbs can help you reduce weight and at the same time tone your whole body. Other tonic herbs for skincare guarantee to keep the skin clear, balanced, and nourished.

Best Herbs for Skincare Regimen

  1. Aloe Vera- It is one of the common herbs for skincare. It is squeezed freshly from the leaves and sold in bottles. It helps in soothing the skin and is good for treating insect bites, burns, rashes, rough skin, and any kind of wounds.

Also, it is an incredible skin moisturizer that can tone the skin perfectly. Aloe vera can be used by people of any skin type.

While buying aloe vera for skincare, ensure that the gel consists of 1% citric acid and is one of the best natural preservatives. You also want to ensure that it is all-natural and made from raw juice. If you don’t want to buy aloe vera, you can keep a few aloe vera plants in your home and use the gel. Its consistency and texture make it one of the ideal herbs for skincare.

2. Oat Straw- We get oat straw from the stems of oat plants. This stem releases a gel-like structure that has a milky texture. This contains silica and calcium. Oat straw is a perfect face wash and can be used along with essential oil or even alone. It acts as a herbal oil for the skin.

It is one of the best herbs for skincare as oat straw can be used to fight against several skin diseases and is also great for balancing one’s blood sugar levels. You can add this magical herb to your daily tea or mash it into extracts and add to the food.

3. Basil- Another one on the list of useful herbs for skincare is Basil. As this herb contains antiseptic properties, it is great for treating a wide range of skin issues ranging from pimples to ringworms. The gel or juice of this herb is generally used to treat common fungal infections. This is a perfect herb for people who suffer from bacterial and acne problems.

4. Calendula- The orange section of the calendula flower consists of anti-inflammatory, healing, and calming properties. It is one of the best herbs for skincare that contain antiseptic and astringent properties, which makes it perfect for treating chapped, acne, irritated, or damaged skin.

One of the best herbs for the skin, Calendula can be used as a great herbal oil for skin. It consists of antibacterial and antifungal properties that help in treating common skin diseases. It is great for treating cuts, bruises, sores, and scars. Calendula is safe for all skin types, including those who have damaged or dry skin.

5. Chickweed- It is one of the common herbs for skincare. It is incredibly soothing when you apply it to your body. It also consists of anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antiseptic properties. What makes it one of the best herbs for skincare?

It can treat a wide variety of skin conditions, including chapped skin, burns, eczema, dermatitis, wounds, and insect bites. It is safe to use for all skin types as it treats dry skin that has been damaged by several outside elements.

using these herbs for skincare

6. Green tea as sun protectant- Here is one more reason you will fall in love with green tea. Green tea has a high concentration of catechins, which have powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-aging properties, and antioxidants. Topical green tea also helps in thickening the epidermis, heal wounds fast, and inhibit an enzyme in the skin that causes uneven pigmentation, which means few sunspots.

Research has shown that using a serum or lotion containing green tea at least 30 minutes before going out under the sun can lessen DNA damage and also the risk of sunburn. If you are going to be under the sun for several hours and you won’t be able to apply sunscreen diligently, then applying green tea over the sunscreen before you step out will be a great idea.

Using turmeric to reduce skin inflammation- Turmeric is one of the common spices available in every Indian household. This herb has powerful anti-inflammatory benefits due to its high concentration of curcumin, an antioxidant.

Studies show that curcumin helps in fighting against melanoma when the affected skin is treated with turmeric. Curcumin inhibits angiogenesis, which is explained as the growth of blood vessels. Add turmeric to pasta, deviled eggs, as well as potato salads, and brown rice. You can even mix it with ginger and have it in your tea.

These are some of the best herbs for skin care and health. If you want to have healthy and glowing skin, make sure you include these herbs and spices in your skincare.